
  • NVIDIA Jetson Nano or RASPBERRY PI (with Wi-Fi Adapter)
  • Solderless breadboard
  • 220 Ohm Resistor 0.5Watt
  • LEDs

Hardware Connections

The NVIDIA Jetson Nano has 40 general purpose input/output pins (GPIO). We will be using Pin 7 and ground as output to the led.

  • On the breadboard connect the 220 Ohm resistor to the positive pin of the LED.
  • Connect the other end of the resistor to the GPIO pin 7 through a Jumper wire of the Jeston Nano.
  • Connect the negative pin of the LED to the GND pin through a Jumper wire.

Setting Up the Python Libraries

Install paho-mqtt
sudo pip3 install paho-mqtt

The Code

Create a file named
write the code given below and save it.

#!/usr/bin/env python
# Author: Ashutosh Mohanty
# Date created: 19/07/2021

import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import paho.mqtt.client as mqtt
import paho.mqtt.subscribe as subscribe
import time

print("Starting now! Press CTRL+C to exit")

def print_msg(client, userdata, message):
    # Pin Definitions
    output_pin = 7 
    # Pin Setup:
    # GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BCM)  # For Raspberry Pi
    GPIO.setmode(GPIO.BOARD)  # For Jetson Nano
    # set pin as an output pin with optional initial state of HIGH
    GPIO.setup(output_pin, GPIO.OUT, initial=GPIO.HIGH)

    message_topic = message.topic
    message_payload = message.payload
    message_payload = message_payload.decode('utf-8')
    print("%s : %s" % (message.topic, message.payload))

    if message_payload == '1':
        print("Outputting {} to pin {}".format(GPIO.HIGH, output_pin))
        GPIO.output(output_pin, GPIO.HIGH)
        print("Light 1 turned ON")
    elif message_payload == '0':
        print("Outputting {} to pin {}".format(GPIO.LOW, output_pin))
        GPIO.output(output_pin, GPIO.LOW)
        print("Light 1 turned OFF")
subscribe.callback(print_msg, "sensors/light1", hostname="")

In the last line of code the MQTT topic and hostname of the broker is declared. I have used the MQTT server hosted by Eclipse Foundation. You can use your self hosted MQTT server too.

I have used sensors/light1 as the MQTT topic. The python script is subscribing to the topic and checking the message payload.

If message_payload is 1 it turns ON the light by outputting GPIO.HIGH in output_pin (Pin 7).
If message_payload is 0 it turns OFF the light by outputting GPIO.LOW in output_pin (Pin 7).

Check the manual page on how to use topic properly

Iot Dashboard UI in Node-RED

Install Node-RED either on your local device or on cloud. we will be using the node-red dashboard to controll the led.



Start node-red from command line and open the web interface in your browser.
You can create a flow or import the flow i have created from my Github

The flow publishes 0 and 1 to the MQTT topic when the switch is turned ON or OFF.

Deploy the flow and go to the dashboard UI

Running the code

Now run the

Now You can ON OFF the LED from the Web dashboard UI.

Youtube Video

Source code and Node Red Flow


Thank you for reading !!